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Call forward to mutiple numbers?

Started by yhfung, March 20, 2011, 02:32:54 PM

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By applying the rule {12341234567:ph,sp2(12347654321)}
If the call is from 12341234567, the PHONE Port rings and the call is forked to 12347654321 using SP2 as expected.
You are right. It's working as expected this way.
Let's just swapping the order of ph and sp2 to {sp2(12347654321),12341234567:ph} and make a call from 12341234567.
Amazingly, only the PHONE Port rings this time.


Quote from: ccchih on January 06, 2012, 01:06:48 AM
Let's just swapping the order of ph and sp2 to {sp2(12347654321),12341234567:ph} and make a call from 12341234567.
Amazingly, only the PHONE Port rings this time.


And if the call is not from 12341234567, the call is totally ignored and NOT forked to sp2(12347654321) as expected.



Apparently there can be only one caller-list per rule, not one per terminal, and a caller-list is associated with the whole rule and not a particular terminal.  As a result, a caller-list, if present, must be the first thing in a rule, to the left of a colon and prior to any terminals.  If the caller-list is false, none of the terminals in the rule are used.  I think it makes much more sense the way you and I assumed it worked, but...

Now, what is the actual scenario you're trying to accomplish?


Thank you very much for your help! I am trying to make the following settings done.
1. make terminalA rings first and ring terminalB simultaneously 4 secs later
2. ring terminalA only for callerA and ring all the terminals for other callers
Any suggestions?


Quote from: ccchih on January 06, 2012, 07:52:37 PM
1. make terminalA rings first and ring terminalB simultaneously 4 secs later
2. ring terminalA only for callerA and ring all the terminals for other callers


Calls from 12341234567 will ring 12341111111 using SP1.

Calls from all others with ring 12341111111 using SP1 and 12342222222 using SP2, with the SP2 call being delayed 4 seconds.

Does that fit the bill?


Almost there!
After applying the new routing settings, calls from all others with ring 12341111111 using SP1 and 12342222222 using SP2 AT THE SAME TIME. There is no 4 seconds delay on SP2.


It appeared to work here.  From the 1.3 release notes:

- All InboundCallRoute and OutboundCallRoute syntax will take a ";d=[delay-in-seconds]" parameter after the number to call from the specified trunk, and to insert a delay before the trunk makes the call. For example, SP1(18002211212;d=3) tells the OBi to call the number from SP1 after a 3-second delay.


I just tested it again and the delay is there.


It does not appear to work with TGx or VGx.

I tested it with SP1 and SP2.  Presumably, it also works with PP and LI.


After reading the release note, I did some more tests and yes, you are right. The new delay function is working perfectly on SP1 and SP2.
Unfortunately, I need the delay on PH1. Is there anyway I can change the settings to get it work?
Basically, I want to route all the incoming calls to an IVR through SP2, so ring the IVR using SP2 at the beginning. If somehow the IVR is down or busy, then ring the analog phone connected to OBi110 in the office.


For the LINE port, how do I make sure that a call is NOT forwarded to the cell_number below via SP1 when I am calling from that cell_number to the LINE?

{ph,sp1(cell_number)} - this just makes it go to the cell_number voicemail, thus preventing PH from ringing.

I tried this, but then no line is ringing:




Physical Interfaces -> LINE Port -> InboundCallRoute : {cell_number:ph},{ph,sp1(cell_number)}


Quote from: RonR on January 09, 2012, 10:23:21 PM
Physical Interfaces -> LINE Port -> InboundCallRoute : {cell_number:ph},{ph,sp1(cell_number)}

Thanks RonR. Just tried that. The PH rings, but only until sp1(cell_number) kicks in. I am trying to avoid sp1(cell_number) from executing when I call from the cell_number.

Basically, I see no difference in behavior between {cell_number:ph},{ph,sp1(cell_number)} and just {ph,sp1(cell_number)}.


I assumed you wanted calls from your cell phone to only ring the OBi PHONE Port and all other callers to ring both the OBi PHONE Port AND your cell phone.  If this is not the case, please explain.

If that's what you want and calls from your cell phone are being sent back to your cell phone (i.e. the second rule executed instead of the first), you must have the wrong CallerID in the first rule.  Check the OBi Call History and use the exact CallerID displayed there in the first rule.


Yep, that's exactly what I want. I figured out why it wouldn't work as expected. RingDelay was set too small. Had to bump it up to 3000ms, and then it worked. Thanks RonR!


I was wondering if it's possible to forward incoming calls (on PSTN Line) to multiple obitalk destinations simultaneously?

Thanks a lot!



Quote from: flipdee on March 06, 2012, 01:48:09 PM
I was wondering if it's possible to forward incoming calls (on PSTN Line) to multiple obitalk destinations simultaneously?

Physical Interfaces -> LINE Port -> InboundCallRoute : {ph,pp(ob200123001),pp(ob200123002),pp(ob200123003)}

would simultanously ring the OBi PHONE Port and OBiTALK numbers 200123001/200123002/200123003.  The first to answer gets the call.

Physical Interfaces -> LINE Port -> InboundCallRoute:


would simultanously ring the OBiTALK numbers 200123001/200123002/200123003/200123004.  The first to answer gets the call.


I am trying to setup simaltaneous ring where my cell phone(1111111111) also rings whenever there is a call on my home phone(2222222222). I am using GV(3333333333).  to initiate the new forwarding call. It is workign fine but when I am calling from my own cell(1111111111)  to home(2222222222)  then it puts the call on hold on cell(1111111111) as OBI is initiating another call using GV (3333333333) and then calling same cell no(1111111111)again.

Is there any way around it? something like...if the same no is calling which is also the simaltenous ring then dont forward/initiate the new call.

Thanks in advance,


Quote from: dealyanodeal on April 16, 2012, 09:11:40 AM
I am trying to setup simaltaneous ring where my cell phone(1111111111) also rings whenever there is a call on my home phone(2222222222). I am using GV(3333333333).  to initiate the new forwarding call. It is workign fine but when I am calling from my own cell(1111111111)  to home(2222222222)  then it puts the call on hold on cell(1111111111) as OBI is initiating another call using GV (3333333333) and then calling same cell no(1111111111)again.

Is there any way around it? something like...if the same no is calling which is also the simaltenous ring then dont forward/initiate the new call.

Physical Interfaces -> LINE Port -> InboundCallRoute : {1111111111:ph},{ph,sp1(1111111111)}


Can this kind of fork be used with Auto Attendant?

Right now I have this InboundCallRoute:

So, when somebody not in trusted list calls, that call is fork to my phone and my ObiTalk App. And, any trusted caller is answered by auto attendant because of that rule. However, if that trusted caller presses '1 to continue this call', then that makes ring only my phone, the call is not forked to ob123456789.

Is there any way I can fork that call from AA?

Quote from: obi-support2 on March 21, 2011, 10:34:40 AM
The Call forward destination number fields only allow 1 number at present.

The Inbound Call route parameters, on the other hand, would allow you to fork the call the multiple numbers, simultaneously. The limit 4.

Some examples with SP1 InboundCallRoute:

{ph,SP1(12345678),SP2(11112234),SP2(44445555)}, OR


This is assuming you can support at least 2 calls per SP service. Whichever number answers first will "win" and the other calls will be canceled by the OBi automatically.

Note: If you include LI(some-number) in the route, however, LI will "win" most of the time since there is no easy way to tell if the call on the analog PSTN line is answered; so the device simply assumes the call is connected once it finishes dialing out the number on the PSTN line (hence it wins).

In 1.2 (currently in beta) we offer a new feature to detect if outbound call on PSTN line is connected based on tones and signal detected on the LINE. But this may require some tweaking for your local phone company. By default that feature is not enabled.