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CircleNet would like to introduce ourselves to the Obi world

Started by Sam_from_CircleNet, April 08, 2014, 10:35:12 AM

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That is a good idea we're trying to put together a wiki and next weekend we're putting up a forum for CircleNet users. Also I'm a little fish in the telco world and you guys are my customers so your suggestions all rate as large on my fish-o-meter.




Try this:
DigitMap: ((Mvg1)|[1-9]x?*(Mpli)|[1-9]S9|[1-9][0-9]S9|911|**0|***|#|**1(Msp1)|**2(Msp2)|**9(Mpp)|(Mpli))

I assume your VG1 DigitMap looks something like this:

(Mpli) in the Phone DigitMap points to the primary line DigitMap, so you also have to remove any offending rule there.



Good point about 911.  If you're in the middle of a heart attack and dialing slowly, you will go to speed dial #9.

All my phones are the type where you dial the number then hit Send/Talk, so I don't think this applies to me.


Quote from: azrobert on April 26, 2014, 08:18:07 AM
I assume your VG1 DigitMap looks something like this:
(Mpli) in the Phone DigitMap points to the primary line DigitMap, so you also have to remove any offending rule there.

SP1 is still on GV
I haven't messed with that under the threat of potential spousal retribution.  :o

ITSP Profile A
DigitMap: (1xxxxxxxxxx|<1>[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|011xx.|xx.|(Mipd)|[^*#]@@.)

"next weekend we're putting up a forum for CircleNet users."

Oh baby, I love forums!  ;D
That will be a big help Sam, thanks!


You should also be getting the long pause with GV.

Try this:
ITSP Profile A
DigitMap: (1xxxxxxxxxx|<1>[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|011xx.S3)

I'm comfused. Are you still using GV on SP1? If yes, how do to dial numbers for GV? Do you use prefix "**1"? How do you dial numbers for routing to CircleNet?
Please post your VG1 DigitMap.

My last suggestion might have a flaw and prevent you from using CircleNet.


Quote from: azrobert on April 26, 2014, 10:09:25 AM
You should also be getting the long pause with GV. Nope, works fine.

Try this:
ITSP Profile A
DigitMap: (1xxxxxxxxxx|<1>[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|011xx.S3)

I'm comfused. Are you still using GV on SP1? If yes, how do to dial numbers for GV? Do you use prefix "**1"?
How do you dial numbers for routing to CircleNet? 8-856-xxx-xxxx

Please post your VG1 DigitMap.



Just signed up to try out the service though I'm not yet validated.

In addition to using this service on my Obi I'm hoping to be able to place calls via wifi on an android phone using my CircleNet sip credentials and an app such as sipdroid.  I currently place wifi calls using the GrooveIP app via Google voice and that too uses the XMPP interface that Google is killing May 15.

Will this work?  Will it be easy to obtain the sip credentials once I'm validated and can access the website?  Is there a recommended app for placing calls this way?  Does anything special need to be done regarding the possibility of placing calls simultaneously via the Obi and the android phone?


Quote from: ToddAllen on April 26, 2014, 12:06:52 PMWill it be easy to obtain the sip credentials once I'm validated and can access the website?

Help me OBiHai PhoneOBi. You're my only hope.


I'm not sure what your CircleNet account number is but we don't have any left for validation this morning so I'm guessing your  active now Welcome Aboard!

Now on to your sip question about multiple devices, the answer is HECK YES! connect as many devices as you want to your account. Personally I use SIPdroid on my android devices but any sip client should work for you.




Try this:

DigitMap: (8(Msp1)|[1-9]x?*(Mpli)|[1-9]S9|[1-9][0-9]S9|911|**0|***|#|**1(Msp1)|**2(Msp2)|**9(Mpp)|(Mpli))

ITSP Profile A
DigitMap: (1xxxxxxxxxx|<1>[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|011xxxxxx.S3)

The 8(Msp1) will use the SP1 patterns plus an "8" prefix to validate numbers.
If you used (Mvg1) like I suggested in my last post the 8 prefix will be stripped off before getting to the outbound route.


That's a lot better, the ring delay is ~6sec for CN & ~3sec for GV .


I'm activated.  I successfully placed a couple test calls from the android phone using the app Zoiper.  Sound quality as good if not better than GV/GrooveIP though noticeable in call latency perhaps 300 milliseconds.  Need more testing to compare the latency to GrooveIP and try to determine if much latency is due to CircleNet.

Then I tried to receive calls.  Didn't see how to get a free incoming number via CallCentric without 911 service so I signed up for a free number to receive calls via IPKall.  Gave IPKall my SIP credentials for CircleNet which didn't work.  Then used a free sipsorcery account with IPKall and added the sipsorcercy SIP credentials to Zoiper and it worked.  Sound quality and latency on calls received via IPKall/sipsorcery seemed a bit worse then calls placed via CircleNet.

Next I'm going to try and set up my own SIP server to use instead of sipsorcery.  Then if all is working smoothly on the android phone I'll try and reconfigure the Obi100 to use the new services instead of GV.

Anyway CircleNet looks like a keeper.

Quote from: Sam_from_CircleNet on April 26, 2014, 02:28:26 PM
I'm not sure what your CircleNet account number is but we don't have any left for validation this morning so I'm guessing your  active now Welcome Aboard!

Now on to your sip question about multiple devices, the answer is HECK YES! connect as many devices as you want to your account. Personally I use SIPdroid on my android devices but any sip client should work for you.



ToddAllen and others,

Glad you got connected and welcome aboard. One other thing to try is using or in place of One set of servers is in Atlanta and the other in California. Your account can connect to either server or both if you have multiple devices.



Quote from: azrobert on April 18, 2014, 10:11:47 AM
Quote from: Jumbo on April 18, 2014, 07:03:18 AM
Quick followup question on this.. if CallCentric is registered as SP2 and if I want to use CircleNet as outbound on SP2, what changes do I need to make?

Appreciate the help, thanks!

You can share an SP trunk with 2 services by using a Voice Gateway.
Voice Gateways are used with outbound only providers that don't need to register.
CircleNet fits this category.

Keep GV on SP1.
Define Callcentric on SP2

Define CircleNet on Voice Gateway 1:
Voice Services -> Gateways and Trunk Groups -> Voice Gateway1
Name: CircleNet
AccessNumber: sp2(
DigitMap: (<8:>1xxxxxxxxxx|<8:1>xxxxxxxxxx|<8:1aaa>xxxxxxx|<8:>011xxxxxx.S3)
AuthUserID: Your_CircleNet_ID (10 digit ID)
AuthPasssword: Your_CircleNet_Password

aaa is your local area code. This is used for 7 digit dialing.

Add to the beginning of the Phone Port OutboundCallRute:

Continue to use GV as you are currently.

To use CircleNet dial as follows:
814805551212  or
84805551212  or
85551212  or

After May 15th change the Voice Gateway DigitMap to:


Dial without the "8" prefix to use CircleNet.

EDIT ** I had the login username instead of the account number for the AuthUserID. Now it works.. just need to get caller ID straightened out.  Hope this helps someone.

EDIT ** ok the Caller ID is working now as I had to add caller ID in the CircleNet interface. It does take a bit of a delay like 5 or 10 seconds to make the call and a bit of static but I will work on that.  I saw a post about the delay. If you have any help on these items let me know.  For now I am glad the GV/OBI saga is handled here.  No casualties. International calling is working also.

HI, I have been using voip since 2003. I started with Vonage and canceled last September and moved to the OBi100. Ya no more bill, err till now.  I researched a lot and decided to use CallCentric for inbound and Sam and CircleNet.  I replaced SP1 that was Google Voice (GV) with CallCentric (CC) and that is working fine. I can call direct or forward my GV number and I get it on the OBI.  So now I signed up with CN and Sam was great and I was set up fast and got my $2 credit.  I am just trying to setup CN for my outbound and now I am getting "the provider rejected the number as it is invalid" or something like that.

So I followed what I could figure out from azrobert who has been great.  I am an engineer and have done some fancy things in my time but some of the coding here I just don't follow exactly.  So it is helpful to get your input. 

- I did this:
Add to the beginning of the Phone Port OutboundCallRute:

Define CircleNet on Voice Gateway 1:
Voice Services -> Gateways and Trunk Groups -> Voice Gateway1
Name: CircleNet
AccessNumber: sp2( ** I set this to "sp1(" per Sams last post and assuming Sp1 would be right.

DigitMap: (<8:>1xxxxxxxxxx|<8:1>xxxxxxxxxx|<8:1aaa>xxxxxxx|<8:>011xxxxxx.S3)
I set this to:

AuthUserID: Your_CircleNet_ID (10 digit ID) I did this obviously.
AuthPasssword: Your_CircleNet_Password

What I want is to be able to call the US and International dialing normal like 17775551212 or 011whatevernumber.

I will keep trying things but I think I am missing something simple here.  When I had GV it all worked fine, so what are the settings I need now for VG1 and the Phone Port to be able to connect and call out with CircleNet?

Thanks.... in advance.. PS ya CircleNet rates are really low. I looked them up on his massive list.   :)



The config looks good to me.

Check the OBi100 Call history to see where the call is going and the number sent.
Log into the OBi via the Web interface.
Click Status
Click Call History

The following will eliminate any long pause and won't fix your problem unless you're doing something weird.
ITSP Profile A -> DigitMap:

If you configure the OBi100 via the web interface check:
System Management => Auto Provisioning

Under OBiTalk Provisioning:
Method must be Disabled.


Hi Circlenet!

I've just signed up to try out your service.

I am unable to get my Obi device to successfully connect to your service.  I followed your directions on your site.

I'm getting "backing off...authentication" errors.  

Anyway, I put in a ticket already today.  Can you assist me?



Hi Lottamoxie,
I think we know which ticket is yours and you should have a response to it by now. If you are who I think you are we are receiving your registration but it appears we are getting a blank password from your Obi. I've sent your password in the response to the ticket I didn't want to put it here. Please try putting the password we sent you in the ticket into your obi profile and let us know if it works.


BTW: The obi has a lot more features and flexibility than the Linksys ATA but with the added features comes an increase in complexity. We do support the other device also if you'd like config help on that open a ticket with us I'd like to keep my forum posts here Obi centric.


Well now it's showing "registered."  :-D

I am still using Google on my SP1 until May 15th when GV with Obi goes kaput.  Then I will use a DID number on SP1 and continue to use on my SP2 for outbound calls.

Thank you for your rapid response.   I look forward to trying out your service.

ETA:  I just made an outbound call using  I only ever call in the US.  Call quality was excellent!  A just under 5 min call to FL was 0.021.   I'm pleased!


Quote from: azrobert on April 27, 2014, 12:11:27 AM

The config looks good to me.

Check the OBi100 Call history to see where the call is going and the number sent.
Log into the OBi via the Web interface.
Click Status
Click Call History

The following will eliminate any long pause and won't fix your problem unless you're doing something weird.
ITSP Profile A -> DigitMap:

If you configure the OBi100 via the web interface check:
System Management => Auto Provisioning

Under OBiTalk Provisioning:
Method must be Disabled.

Thank you azrobert.
I did already have that pattern in place.  Yes I also cleared that auto provision thing per your mention in previous posts.  The delay is not a big issue but it seems like it comes and goes.  I am not concerned.  The static might have been there in the past, but I can't remember.  Sam did say it should go away when it connects but calling my cell phone I still get it. It could be just parasitic noise from several things I realize and not even related to the connection but the jacks and obi and such.  As a side not my OBI 100 over heated back in December and November. Being an electronics engineer sadly not having any heatsinks on hand I just took the cover off the OBI and let it free air and it seems to help.  A new one or a heat sink would fix it I know.  Ah well. 

Sam has been very helpful and so far so good.  If you are like me and could spend $30 on Vestalink or 35 on PowerPhone but 1) I dont like limited even though I hardly use my VOIP line, and 2) If I can get it pay as you go low cost I am in.  Who wants to pay the man/women for time I dont use?

So far I have my time invested and that is all.  Callcentric incoming NY number.. and CircleNet is a winner.  NO brainer just follow this forum and should be easy to get you setup if you at all have a tech nerve in your body.

Thanks again forum.  I will update as i use the phone more and give feedback.   ;)


HI azrobert and Sam, I noticed *67 caller ID blocking is not working calling out on CircleNet, is there something I need to do in the OBI or online interface?  Or is it even possible?

By the way I noticed I had the volume up on the handset and I think that is why the sudden mild static on the line.  Through all this testing I somehow cranked up the volume by accident.
